Another week, another MYSTERY PHOTO!
Jon Kitley, pillar of the Chicago Horror Community and head honcho over at KITLEY'S KRYPT, wants to challenge your horror knowledge. Week in, week out, he posts a Mystery Photo - sometimes from an obscure horror title, sometimes just an unusual shot from a well-known classic. We figured our faithful Claw readers would enjoy the challenge!
Our last photo was from one of the finer entries in that favorite subgenre of red-blooded male horror fans everywhere: *The Lesbian Vampire Film*. This 1972 Spanish effort from writer/director Vicente Aranda, THE BLOOD SPATTERED BRIDE, is a very (pardon the expression) loose adaptation of Sheridan Le Fanu's Carmilla, with a semi-frigid newlywed finding affection in the arms of a long-dead man-hating Sapphic bloodsucker. Extremely well-shot with some striking imagery, BSB still holds up nearly 40 years after its release. Check it out.

Now let's take a gander at this week's selection:

Send your guesses to: jon@kitleyskrypt.com
If you provide the correct answer, your name will be announced next week on the Kitley's Krypt website (http://www.kitleyskrypt.com), along with a new photo. Even if you don't know the answer, we welcome any sorta-kinda educated guess! So, send in your emails today and good luck!
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