Is anyone watching the new Joss Whedon show Dollhouse? I know, it's not horror, unless you count Eliza Dushku's horrific acting ability...I digress...but it is sci-fi fantasy, so, it's close enough, and I am a big admirer of most of Joss Whedon's stuff, Firefly, Buffy. So far, Dollhouse is watchable, but it is not great, not like Supernatural (which had a superior episode with two quality kills last week) or heck, not even Fringe (which is growing on me) but, interesting enough. I am still watching it. I kinda have to, but that is another story...again, I digress...
Is the Rossum corporation in Dollhouse the same Rossum as the corporation from R.U.R.(Rossum's Universal Robots)? Ms. Aly Greaves, our resident expert in the Whedon-verse as well as the costume designer of Strawdog Theatre's production of R.U.R.(Rossum's Universal Robots) believes that it is definitely one in the same, that it must be.
Is it possibly a coincidence?

Hey !!
Good question !! Not sure on that one as I'm not that Whedon-connected but I am coming around.
However, I've been watching DollHouse and its OK so far. Some episodes are better than others. You're right...its no Supernatural but I'm willing to give it some time to develop. The concept is kinda of a cross between Total Recall, the Matrix, and Johnny Mnemonic...sort of !?! Eliza is easy on the eyes and a bit tougher on the ear but I'll give her a chance to find Echo.
Agreed Vic...I don't think they have given Eliza much to work with thus far beyond hooker boots and a few fight scenes. But it keeps getting better...
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