Saturday, January 9, 2010

The Mammals - Breed with Me

most folks don't come to mr. morlock for theatre reviews. cuz most folks know that mr. morlock ain't fully stocked in what some might call eriudition or coherentish thought. but he's going to yammer at you anyway.

The Mammals. "Breed with Me." saw it last night. damn good show. seriously. completely digging the mammals thing. mr. morlock waxed nonsensically last year about Devils Don't Forget. this time he'll be a bit more brief.

the mood, the vibe? that beautiful sense of woozy dislocation. dropped into the middle of the story with a morally ambiguous, not entirely trustworthy narrator, who in any event knows little more than we do about what the hell is going on.

the story? figure it out for yourself. spin it how you will. after the show in the Long Room, mr. morlock heard a half dozen interpretations. all correct. and all intersecting on one salient point: alien chicks are SCARY.

and speaking of alien chicks, let's oh-so-briefly mention performances. Sara Gorsky? rocks. no other word for it. brings complete A-game on four or five different levels. total package. rocks.

whole cast was solid, committed, funny. 'cept that Don Hall character. completely ruined his scary golem, Andre-the-creepy-Giant thing by having his fly open the entire performance. cheap laughs get you nowhere, pal.

like that whole thing about his fly being open. cheap laugh. got me nowhere. anyhoo.

"Breed with Me" has a few more weekends to go. see it. seriously. it's weird, disturbing, dissatisfying (like, get you angry and arguing) , thought-provoking, toe-curling, what-the-fucking?, and everything you want to see in a bad-ass basement theatre production.


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