Wednesday, March 23, 2011

David Firth, You Had Me at "Oh Uh Uh Heh-Helllo"

I was turned on to David Firth flashvids of disturbed & horrifying cartoons a lifetime ago. As soon as I watched 'A Cartoon About Berries' I was seeing someone's genius. I continued to watch other creations - namely the beloved Salad Fingers - and I was absolutely drawn. Firth is able to touch on a cord that very few artists can reach (David Lynch comes to mind) where the combination of surrealism and darkness, coupled with sparse words, nightmarish images, and tense music by Aphex Twin, Boards of Canada, Sigur Rós and his own band Locust Toybox, makes the viewer uneasy and affected.

With the success of Salad Fingers, I am left wondering... when is David Firth going to make a movie? He is already 7 years overdue. I remember checking several years ago about any movie making progress, and news was not forthcoming. Firth now has a blog devoted to news of his upcoming feature "Meadow Man", but from his postings it seems that the process has been years in the making with several years to go.

I will continue to wait patiently for news of a release date - but you can bank on the fact that as soon as it is in theaters (I hope) or at the very least DVD, I will be right there in line.

You can watch all things Firth here: and get the latest about the movie progress from the man himself at

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