Three desperate men and a prehistoric, many legged fish with necrosis-inducing bites made for a kickass piece of radio horror. Many thanks to the director Kevin Theis, and the cast of Joe Bianco, Chris Rickett, and Dave Skvarla.
We will have photos from the evening soon, courtesy of Joe Mazza at Brave Lux, which if you haven't seen Joe's work, go check him out. If you've seen photos from our Clockwork Nightmare benefit back in September then you know how awesome he is.

Thank you to all of this year's directors, actors, musicians, foleyists, and artists. Thank you to our sponsors, our friends, and you, the show-going horror-loving public for sharing your evening and your enthusiasm with us!
And as always, thank you to the Deathscribes. DEATHSCRIBE could not exist without all of the delectably demented writers who bravely venture into the dark, carving out their stories in text and sound, grappling with their nightmares so that we too, can enjoy the thrill of a well told scary story. Last night, we got five of them.
Submissions for DEATHSCRIBE 2013 will open up in the spring of 2013. Be you playwright, horror writer, novelist, professional, hobbyist, student, teacher, doctor, engineer, taxidermist, nice nurse, creepy nurse, evil barber, firefighter, firestarter, or outer god. We don't care who you are or where you live. If you've got a horror radio play you've been wanting to write, get to it. What are you waiting for? 2013 may be your year, just as 2012 was the Year of the Fish.
Congrats, Joe!

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