Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Stabbed in the Ear

spent a pleasant few minutes this Monday chatting with FOWC Michaela Petro (Great God Pan, Dreams in the Witch House) at the 11th Anniversary party of the unofficial WildClaw Theatre headquarters, The Four Moon Tavern.

we discussed the upcoming benefit for Strawdog Theatre when suddenly she was complaining of a ringing in the ears - (too much time shouting in noisy bars, perhaps?) she claimed to be looking forward an ear-candling session.

naturally, the thought of a pretty lady getting stabbed in the ear -- especially getting stabbed with something ON FIRE -- kinda got Mr. Morlock grinning. was hoping to discover all sorts of photos of gruesome ear-candling accidents out here on the interwebs, but he was disappointed. seems it is a somewhat respected procedure.

1 comment:

Trelbee said...

Unless your hair catches on fire. But no worries, I'm sure it won't. I'm sure it won't. (RUNAWAY)