This Saturday, join your WildClaw friends at the Portage Theater for some "I Scream" time...
TERROR IN THE AISLES 3 presented by Movieside
Saturday, December 5, 2009
Tickets are $12 - Pay once - Come and go as you please.
Portage Theater
4050 N. Milwaukee Ave.
Chicago, IL 60641
Doors open at 7pm.
8pm - NIGHT OF THE CREEPS (1986) (director's cut)
with director FRED DEKKER in Person!
10pm - BLAIR WITCH PROJECT (1999) (10 year anniversary!)
with director EDUARDO SANCHEZ in Person! Hear about the film that influenced Paranormal Activity and how it made film history.
Midnight - BLACK CHRISTMAS (The 1974 original - on film!)
(Bob Clark's seminal '70s atmospheric masterpiece!)
Short films include:
TREEVENGE (A Chilling Tale of Christmas Gone Wrong!)
Also - Music by My Damn Butterfly & Modern Day Rippers!!
Vendor tables, vintage movie, trailers, prizes, auction for Vital Bridges surprises and more!!!
BUY TICKETS NOW AT www.brownpapertickets.com
For more info go to:
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