Jon Kitley, pillar of the Chicago Horror Community and head honcho over at KITLEY'S KRYPT, wants to challenge your horror knowledge. Week in, week out, he posts a Mystery Photo - sometimes from an obscure horror title, sometimes just an unusual shot from a well-known classic. We figured our faithful Claw readers would enjoy the challenge!
Last week's photo was from the 1977 hell-on-wheels movie THE CAR. The shot below is just before the Hell-spawned vehicle drives through the house to put the brakes on the phone call in progress. Frickin' Buh-Rilliant.

Let's see how well you fare with this week's offering:

Send your guesses to:
If you provide the correct answer, your name will be announced next week on the Kitley's Krypt website (, along with a new photo. Even if you don't know the answer, we welcome any sorta-kinda educated guess! So, send in your emails today and good luck!
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